What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is a practice that is gaining more traction in the protestant and evangelical circles of Christianity but is still widely unfamiliar.

There are three parties involved in a spiritual direction session—God, Director, and Directee. The director's role is to facilitate and listen in to God's interaction with the directee. The director is not God's mouthpiece but is simply a fellow pilgrim helping another pilgrim interact with and draw closer to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

While each director operates differently, a session with me will begin with me lighting a candle as a symbol to remind us that God is present with us in our session. From there, we will go into silence so that we can quiet our souls from the busyness of the day in order to attune ourselves to God. Either you or I will break this first silence (this is up to your discretion). We then will begin to talk about how you have been experiencing or hearing from God. Throughout the rest of the session, we will alternate between times of silence in order to seek God and times of discussion with one another. 


I operate on a variable cost basis for each person receiving direction. The hope is that this would allow directees with lower incomes to enjoy the benefits of spiritual direction alongside those with higher incomes. My charging range is $45-$100. Each directee will have the freedom to pay the cost they have discerned through with the Lord–no questions asked. 

Directee Covenant

Please fill out the following covenant and email it to jared@1727direction.com before our first session.